Conference - Religions, Scriptures and Interreligious Dialogue

Written the Monday, April 16th 2018 à 4:26 PM

Article read 2425 times

Religions, Scriptures and Interreligious Dialogue
Is interreligious dialogue part of your religious duties, and what can it do for peace?

Organized by

The European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF)

The conference will be translated in English and French 

Father Ignace Berten
Theologian - Dominican Order

Father Stan Ebere Nwigwe
Catholic Priest

Karim Geirnaert
In charge of the conversions to Islam in Belgium
In charge of the Muslim Scouts and Guides of Belgium
President EuroHalal

Rev. Hierodeacon Petar Gramatikov
Bulgarian Orthodox Church - Doctor of Theology

Manik Paul
Hindu community of Belgium

Rev. Eric Roux
Vice President - European Office of the Church of Scientology 
For Public Affairs and Human Rights

Saturday May 5, 2018 from 14h30 to 17h30
Churches of Scientology for Europe - Boulevard Waterloo 103 - Brussels 1000

RSVP at 
Refreshments and hot drinks will be served

The conference, organized by EIFRF, will be held Saturday May 5, 2018 at 14h30. It will be hosted by the European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs and Human Rights, at Churches of Scientology for Europe – Boulevard Waterloo 103 – Brussels 1000. To reserve your place please contact . The conference will be fully bilingual, French and English.
Does interreligious dialogue root into the scriptures of the various faiths? And how religions envision interreligious dialogue as a duty, commanded by religious observance, or by common sense?
Beside that considerations, how interreligious dialogue can be an effective tool to forward peace and be used to resolve international or inter-ethnic conflicts?
This conference has the purpose of exploring the religious and scriptural roots of interreligious dialog, from the point of view of various faiths, and to develop on the necessity, or the usefulness of interreligious dialogue in the resolution of conflicts in a world that faces extremely challenging situations today. The conference will be followed by questions and answers with the attendees. Refreshments and hot drinks will be served.

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