Register to the Faith and Freedom Summit

Written the Monday, June 18th 2018 à 6:15 PM

Article read 1408 times

The Faith and Freedom Summit: Practicing what we Preach in Europe is a non-partisan summit, which brings together leaders from the various fields of politics, government, academia, activism and the non-for-profit sector from across Europe and beyond, in order to propose and develop initiatives that will put Freedom of Religion or Belief in Europe back in the spotlights.

Top international speakers at the event include:

Jan Figel
EU Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the European Union

Salvatore Martinez
Rep of the Italian presidency at OSCE

Dr. Eli Nacht
Official Representative of International Committee of Human Rights in Israel

Marco Ventura
PROFESSOR OF LAW & RELIGION at University of Siena

Vincent Berger
Former Jurisconsult of European Court of Human Rights

Kristina Arriaga
USCIRF Commissionner and Vice-Chairwoman of the Commission

Ahmed Shaheed
Special Rapporteur on human rights to UN Human Rights Council

Sam Brownback
U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom

Thomas Schirrmacher
President of the International Society for Human Rights

And many others that you can find on the website of the Summit: 

You'll find also on it the address, the agenda, and everything to register to this historic event.

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