European Interreligious Forum For Religious Freedom


Written the Tuesday, February 25th 2014 à 14:28

Article read 8300 times

Legal existence and funding
EIFRF is a Non Governmental Organization registered in France as a not-for profit association officially recognized by the French administration as being of "philanthropic general interest". Its actions may be either funded by its members themselves or by the partners who may want to contribute to a specific event, or by individual donations (donations are tax deductible). It is a non-political organization, and independent from any specific faith or religious organization.

EIFRF is an interfaith group which Steering Committee includes religious leaders from various faiths and from various European countries, united in order to:
• Promote freedom of religion and belief
• Promote religious tolerance
• Promote interfaith dialog
• Promote knowledge of religions
Its scope is primarily Europe, but is not limited to it.
The Forum has a network of official partners, in different fields:
• Scholars
• HR lawyers
• Religious personalities
• HR defenders
• Religious organizations
• HR organizations
The means that the Forum uses to achieve its purposes are:
• Meeting with decisions makers at national, European or international levels.
• Providing them with documents of high quality, either produced directly by the Forum or by its partners.
• Activating the partners’ network to defend any cause or initiative picked by the Board.
• Producing properties (videos, books, magazines) forwarding the purpose of the Forum and having them properly distributed, either to journalists, decision makers, people interested in religious affairs, and the public at large.
• Organizing symposiums, official meetings, informal meetings and roundtables, on the questions of religious freedom, interfaith dialog and religious tolerance.
• Publishing a regular newsletter that will be sent by e-mail to all interested people.

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