European Interreligious Forum For Religious Freedom
Books and publications

OSCE/ODIHR releases new important guidelines on FoRB and security - 09/22/2019 | EIFRF

On September 19, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) released a new document called "Freedom of Religion or Belief and Security: Policy Guidance". As said on the ODIHR website : This publication is designed to clarify the interrelationship between freedom of...

Translated excerpts from the book "I mercanti del Tempio" (Merchants of the temple) - 05/26/2013 | EIFRF

I Mercanti del Tempio is an academic book directed by Antonio Fucillo, containing various contributions of several professors. It has been published by G. Giapicelli Editore. Here is an excerpt of the book, the chapter on the finances of the Church of Scientology, written by Germana Carobene,...

Ordinary Anti-cultism book - 05/17/2013 | EIFRF

Sergey Ivanenko is a well-known Russian religious expert and doctor of philosophical sciences. He has studied religion professionally for more than 35 years. He compiled the first index in the country on religious organizations of the Russian Federation and has written 16 books and more than 140...


Сергей Игоревич Иваненко – известный российский религиовед, доктор философских наук. Профессионально занимается изучением религий уже свыше 35 лет. Составитель первого в стране справочника религиозных организаций Российской Федерации, является автором 16 книг и более 140 статей по проблемам...

Nouveau livre : Réveil du religieux, éveil de la société - 04/07/2013 | EIFRF

De ce que nous devons au réveil religieux, nous avons presque tout oublié : nos banques, nos hôpitaux, nos universités, notre sécurité sociale, l’idée même de la démocratie, tant et tant d’œuvres d’utilité publique… Quand Max Wéber parlera de l’éthique protestante du capitalisme, il traduira avec...