European Interreligious Forum For Religious Freedom

OSCE/ODIHR releases new important guidelines on FoRB and security

Written the Sunday, September 22nd 2019 à 09:47

Article read 10165 times

On September 19, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) released a new document called "Freedom of Religion or Belief and Security: Policy Guidance".

As said on the ODIHR website :

This publication is designed to clarify the interrelationship between freedom of religion and security in light of the OSCE’s comprehensive framework for peace and security. It further explains the nature, status and scope of freedom of religion or belief as enshrined in OSCE commitments and international and regional standards. Finally, it provides guiding principles, practical guidance and recommendations to address a number of issues of note at the intersection of freedom of religion or belief and security in the OSCE region.

The publication is primarily addressed to policymakers tasked with developing and implementing laws, policies and strategies in the area of security in ensuring that their security provisions are in line with their commitments and international obligations pertaining to this universal human right.

You can download the document here:

Read more about the release here.

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