European Interreligious Forum For Religious Freedom

EIFRF Chairman invited as a speaker to IRF Roundtable annual event in Washington

Written the Monday, October 6th 2014 à 21:31

Article read 1466 times

On September 19, 2014 Eric Roux, Chairman of EIFRF, was invited to speak about Religious Freedom in Europe at the third annual event of the IRF Roundtable (IRF= International Religious Freedom), in the Washington State Capitol.

He shared a panel with Susan Kerr from Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Ira Forman, Special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism of the US State Department, Dr Juris Pupcenoks from the Marist College in New York, and Greg Mitchell, co-chair of the US IRF Roundtable.

The event was very well attended by more than a hundred of people, including several congressmen, religious leaders, members of the US government and human rights defenders.

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