European Interreligious Forum For Religious Freedom

EIFRF meeting with URI in Plovdiv, Bulgaria for interfaith conference

Written the Monday, April 27th 2015 à 14:45

Article read 1667 times

URI (United Religions Initiative) Europe ( organized a conference in Plovdiv, Bulgaria on the theme "Moving Interfaith Work Forward".

EIFRF, which is a cooperation circle of URI, participated to the conference from april 23 to April 26. 

Many work sessions were organized, and also a visit of the mosque of Plovdiv, welcomed by the Mufti of the mosque.

URI is celebrating this year 15 years of existence, with more than 600 Cooperation Circles all over the world. A Cooperation Circle is made of at least 7 individuals (some have thousands), from at least 3 different faiths. EIFRF is one of them. URI is a supported network connecting people across religions and cultures in the service of peace and justice.

More than 50 representatives of URI Europe Cooperation Circles participated to the conference and seminars, and also Rev. Victor H. Kazanjian, URI Executive Director. EIFRF chairman Eric Roux represented EIFRF.

This multifaith event gathered Muslims, Orthodox Christians, Protestants, Catholics, Hindus, Jews, Sufis, Scientologists, Baha'is, atheists, agnostics, pagans, and others from all over Europe all together to address peace and justice issues for more than 3 days.

Visit to the Mosque of Plovdiv

The Plovdiv's Bulgarian Choir introduced by Father Petar Grammatikov

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