European Interreligious Forum For Religious Freedom

Register to the Faith and Freedom Summit II

Written the Thursday, March 14th 2019 à 19:30

Article read 6843 times

The Faith and Freedom Summit, a campaign for freedom of religion of belief in the EU run by a coalition of NGOs (including EIFRF), will have its second event on April 2, in the European Parliament. 

The announcement includes the following: 
"We strongly believe that EU citizens must enjoy a real freedom of religion or belief, at every level, and that this fundamental right is not given the importance it deserves in the EU institutions, and in the EU instruments to protect the various freedoms of EU citizens. That is what we will discuss on April 2, with you."

If you want to attend (limited seats), you need to register here:

Here you can see the description of the event which will gather some very interesting speakers:

You should be there!

And by the way, think to sign the pledge of the Faith and Freedom Summit if not yet done, with your name and title:
“I pledge that I will uphold and defend the freedom of conscience and religion of all individuals by rejecting and speaking out against bigotry, discrimination, harassment and violence; and so build a more equitable society for all.”

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