European Interreligious Forum For Religious Freedom

Presentazione nella Biblioteca del Senato del libro "Credere è reato?" - 04/27/2013 | EIFRF

Giovedì 14 febbraio 2013, nella Sala Capitolare del Senato, a Roma, è stato presentato il libro"Credere è reato? Libertà religiosa nello stato laico e nella società aperta", volume curato dal prof. Luigi Berzano che raccoglie 23 saggi scritti da giuristi, filosofi, sociologi e giornalisti italiani....

Press Release - Side event 23 April 2013 – Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe - 04/26/2013 | EIFRF

Freedom of Conscience: Tensions between Church, State and Religious Minorities in Family Issues Side event 23 April 2013 – Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Vital information on human rights standards provided for the Salles report on ‘Sectarian Influence on Minors’ On 23 April...

Speech of Dr. Petar Gramatikov at Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. 23 April 2013 - 04/25/2013 | EIFRF

On 23 April 2013, Mr. Pieter Omtzigt (Netherland, member of PACE, EPP) co-sponsored an event with Lord Dundee (UK, member of PACE, EDG). The European Interreligious Forum for Religious Forum (EIFRF) helped to organise the event during the Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council...

Speech of Professor Marco Ventura at Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. 23 April 2013 - 04/25/2013 | EIFRF

On 23 April 2013, Mr. Pieter Omtzigt (Netherland, member of PACE, EPP) co-sponsored an event with Lord Dundee (UK, member of PACE, EDG). The European Interreligious Forum for Religious Forum (EIFRF) helped to organise the event during the Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council...

Conference Freedom of Conscience: the tensions between laicity and religious minorities in State/families issues - 04/08/2013 | EIFRF

Side event during the plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Conference/side event Freedom of Conscience: the tensions between laicity and religious minorities in State/families issues   Sponsored by:   Pieter Omtzigt (EPP/CD)  ...
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